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All online MLM distributors should consider incorporating offline strategies to promote their online business, because it’s another avenue of revenue. Many people we pass by each day may be looking for the opportunity you have. What if Google, social media or blogging wasn’t around? What would you do? Being creative offline is still just as important as using online media slots online gcash philippines.

Offline marketing should contribute a minimum of 10% to your online MLM distributor business. As an online MLM distributor, you should always be marketing even when you’re not online. People physically around you may want to know about the product or service you provide. You never know, you may be just the help someone needs. Offline strategies are extremely effective and can increase your online MLM business revenue by as much as 30%, or more.

One strategy in particular, offers seven awesome techniques, which are extremely effective and will bring staggering results to your business. This strategy is called Drop Card Marketing. It’s a fun and subtle way to promote your online MLM distributor business. Drop Cards look like 5, 10, 20 and 100 dollar bills. One side is printed with your message and your website address. The $100 Drop Card is completely legal to use, because it is not an exact replica and it is smaller in size than a real bill. The $100 Drop Cards work so well because they definitely grab attention.

Seven Techniques for Using Drop Cards in Your Online MLM Business

#1. The Gas Station – A Folded $100 Drop Card will fit perfectly into the credit card slot on the gas pump. The next person to use the pump will have to remove it before sliding in their credit card. Believe me, when they pull a $100 bill out of that slot, they are going to read it. And if the content of your message doesn’t appeal to them, so what? They will probably throw it on the ground. Since it looks like $100, it won’t be long before someone will see it, pick it up and read it, and they’ll go to your website to check it out… BAM! – a new customer, distributor, etc. This is also a lot of fun to watch – park your car in the parking lot and just watch the next person who pulls up to that pump. It’s a great way to be proactive with your business, while filling your gas tank. Remember, too, there is more than one pump at a gas station; and a gas station on just about every corner!

#2. Junk Mail – Everyone receives tons of junk mail. A lot of that junk mail has a return envelope, and some are marked postage paid – meaning you don’t have to put a stamp on it to send it in. Put a $100 Drop Card inside that envelope, seal it up and drop it in the mail. There are people sitting in mailrooms all over the country opening these return envelopes. Someone in that mailroom is going to open your envelope, see your message and go to your website.

#3. Literature Stands – (Newspaper, Real Estate, AutoTrader, PennySaver, etc.) For newspaper stands, drop your change in the machine and take out the whole stack of papers and insert your $100 Drop Card in between the first few pages of each paper. Do the same at the free literature stands; sliding the Cards in between the pages of the books. Someone will read that paper and a $100 Drop Card will fall out… And another person visits your website.

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Ever wonder why people sit and play free online slot machine games when they know that they won’t actually win real money from it? The reasons people have for playing these virtual games that they can find online for free vary from one person to another. Some people play these free online machine games to simply try and see what it’s like to play slot machines online. Some people do so to simply try and see how slot machines work and sometimes these are people who have never tried playing these things in real life. Some people play these slot machines online to simply pass the time while others try to see if they are blessed with luck in gambling and with slot machines in particular juantaya.

There are a lot of reasons why people play these games. You will find that some individuals try to play these slot machines to figure out how these things work and how they can try to find a way to win on these machines. While this may seem like cheating to some, this is seen as a way for certain players to strategize their slot machine gaming. You might be wondering how people can strategize a game of luck but there are some people who find that certain machines follow a pattern when their reels stop. They try to see what these patterns are and they make a list of these patterns to try and see if there is a way to beat the machines that pay off real money. This may seem like a rather time consuming endeavor and most of the time it is since most free online slot machine games do not operate like the real slot machines that you find in casinos.

There are some people who play these free online games since they are not allowed by either circumstance or their spouses to actually gamble for real. Playing these free games of chance online often gives them the “fix” they need when they find that they are itching to go and gamble. This reason is often the one that reformed gamblers use and to stop them from succumbing to the itch to gamble real money away, their partners either download a free casino game on their computers for their partners to play on when they feel the gambling itch is coming on or they get them to play these free slot games online. There are a number of sites where you can simply click and play the slot-machines that are being shown there and you will soon be spinning reels without spending more than your time on it. Some of these free sites however are linked with real online casinos and the threat of gambling for real is still there for those who find it hard to resist the urge to try and win some money from these online casinos. The only thing standing in the way of playing for real money and playing for free now rests on the self control of the person playing these games online.